Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen


I’m a cryptographer – one of those people who professionally build and sometimes break cryptosystems. Here’s a recent CV and a clickable list of publications.

Since January 2023, I have been a Professor of Practice (työelämäprofessori) at Tampere University, associated with the Network and Information Security Group (NISEC) and the SoC HUB.

I joined PQShield Ltd. in September 2018 as we were starting this University of Oxford spin-out for Post-Quantum Cryptography solutions. I am no longer actively involved with PQShield.

PQCrypto 2024 and 2025

I was the Program Co-Chair (with Daniel Smith-Tone) of PQCrypto 2024, which was held at the University of Oxford Mathematical Institute on June 12-14, 2024. The PQCrypto 2024 proceedings are now out from Springer: Part I - LNCS 14771 and Part II - LNCS 14772.

I will be also the program Chair of PQCrypto 2025 with Ruben Niederhagen. This will be held in Taipei on April 8-10, 2025. We will be posting further information as it is decided.

CHES 2024 Artifact Evaluation

I’m the Artifact Chair of IACR CHES 2024. Authors of papers accepted to CHES 2024 / Transactions of Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES) are invited to submit artifacts associated with their papers, such as software or datasets, for review, in a collaborative process between authors and the artifact review committee.

Here are the CHES 2024 Artifacts published thus far.

Research Papers and Presentations (2021-)